팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.
1 Reservations
  • Online booking is available 2 days ~ 1month prior to the car pick-up date.
  • Please enter the name and contract method of the driver for reservation.
  • Specific car model cannot be selected by booking.
2 Reply to your Reservations
  • Depending on the booking date, location and car type, you will receive a booking reply instantly or within one working day after booking inquiry.
  • Your mail security settings maybe one of the causes for not receiving the reply email notification.
    Please check your mail settings and all email boxes before making inquiry calls.
3 Edit or Cancel Reservations
  • Cancellation can be made by 12nn one day before the booking date using e-mail, messager with call-center.
    Please contact us one day before the booking date for any changes.
  • Reservation center
    Weekday : 9:00-18:00
    Mail address:david@cartago.co.kr

For no show or cancellation without notice, the cancellation fee will be applied as stated while booking.

3 days before departure Free
2days before departure 20% of total rental car fee
1 days before departure 30% of total rental car fee
On car pick-up date and later 100% of total rental car fee
4 Change of Time
  • For change of time before departure, please proceed according to the guidelines stated above.
  • For change of time after departure, please call directly or contact with messanger. If you keep using the car over the rental period without notice,
    insurance could not be covered for any accidents happened during the extended period.
  • Extension of car booking days or time may not be available if the request is made on or after the car pick-up date.
5 Payment
  • Cartago accept payment by credit card or Cash.
6 Fuel
  • Fuel tank is fully filled at the time of pick-up, please return it with a full tank as well.
    If the gasoline tank is not full at the time of return, charges will apply according to our price list, which is more expensive than the market price.

Insurance, Compensation Liability System and Insurance Cost Covered by Customer

  • A leased vehicle include the following limited amount of insurance. But the customer is responsible for the total amount in any of the disclaimers.
Insurance Insurance contents Customer's Deductible in an Accident
Bodily injury liability Unlimited per person (compulsory
automotive liability insurance included)
Bodily injury liability
Property Damage Liability Depends on Insurance Type Property Damage Liability

Main items not covered by the compensation (All disclaimers/common insurance)

  • Cases that the driver does not report the accident to the police or does not contact the rental office (including out-of-court settlements without our permission)
  • Reckless driving (causing, for example, an intentional accident)
  • Accidents that occur while the driver is driving without a license, under the influence of alcohol, or under the influence of any other substances.
  • Accidents that occur when the vehicle is being driven by a driver other than the person named in rental contact.
  • Accidents attributed to another party.
  • Accidents that occurs after the rental period when the vehicle is still in the possession of the renter without our permission.
  • Tire repair/replacement costs in the event of a tire blowout.
  • Loss of a hubcap or accessories.